HomeReferences - DC/DC SecOC-Integration

DC/DC SecOC-Integration


The project aimed to integrate a Hardware Security Module (HSM) and develop related software components for a DC/DC converter.

The main tasks included creating an interface between the HSM and the main processor, ensuring smooth functionality, verifying for software errors, and integrating secure boot functions into the startup process.

An essential part of the project was the creation of an interface that ensures seamless communication between the HSM and the main processor. This involved the development and implementation of communication protocols to ensure secure and efficient transfer of all data. The technologies and tools used included AUTOSAR 4.x, Infineon Aurix TC2xx, and the Vector toolchain.

Verifying the smooth functionality of the system was another critical aspect. This involved extensive testing and validation to ensure that the HSM and the main processor cooperate correctly and meet all security requirements. Additionally, thorough checks for software errors were conducted to ensure the integrity and reliability of the system.

Another key focus of the project was integrating secure boot functions into the startup process of the DC/DC converter. This ensured that the system could be securely and reliably started, protecting it from unauthorized access and manipulation.

The project required careful development and testing to ensure that the security components were fully integrated and functional. The integration of the HSM was crucial to ensure the overall security and reliability of the DC/DC converter system, especially given the stringent security requirements in the automotive industry.

By utilizing technologies such as AUTOSAR 4.x, Infineon Aurix TC2xx, and the Vector toolchain, sensified ensured that all project goals were achieved. The end result was a highly secure and reliable DC/DC converter system that meets the stringent demands of the automotive industry. sensified was responsible for the successful execution of this project, ensuring that all security and performance requirements were met through the use of state-of-the-art technologies and thorough development and testing methods.

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