HomeReferences - PHD (Pixel Light) AUTOSAR Basic Software Integration for Control Units

PHD (Pixel Light) AUTOSAR Basic Software Integration for Control Units


The main tasks included integrating the Vector AUTOSAR OS, configuring the MCAL, configuring the RTE, and integrating the control unit into the vehicle network.

The integration of the Vector AUTOSAR OS was the first step to establish a stable foundation for the software. This included configuring the MCAL to ensure that the microcontroller peripherals were addressed correctly. The RTE (Runtime Environment) configuration was also an essential component to enable efficient communication between the software components.

Another critical aspect of the project was the integration of the control unit into the vehicle network. This included setting up network management and implementing communication protocols to ensure smooth interaction with other control units in the vehicle. Furthermore, great importance was placed on the integration of diagnostic functions in accordance with Daimler standards. This ensured that the light control unit could be reliably diagnosed and maintained.

The integration of complex device drivers and diagnostic functions was particularly important to ensure the reliable functionality of the light control unit within the vehicle network. The technologies used included AUTOSAR 4.x, Renesas RH850 F1x, and the Vector toolchain, all of which contributed to the robust implementation and integration of the software.

The project required precise configuration and extensive testing to ensure that the complex device drivers and diagnostic routines were seamlessly integrated into the basic software. This ensured smooth functionality and compliance with all necessary standards.

Overall, the project ensured that the Pixel Light (PHD) system functioned reliably and efficiently within the vehicle network. Sensified was responsible for the successful execution of this project and ensured that all project objectives were achieved through the use of state-of-the-art technologies and thorough testing methods. The careful integration and configuration of the AUTOSAR basic software ensured that the light control unit met the high demands of the automotive industry.

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