HomeReferences - Platform for connected vehicles

Platform for connected vehicles


This project aimed to develop a platform for connected vehicles that offers features such as real-time vehicle diagnostics, remote control, and infotainment services.

The development process included both the design of hardware components and the development of software applications, as well as the integration of the system with various cloud services.

Important tasks included the design and implementation of the hardware architecture, the development and programming of software applications, and the connection to cloud computing services. Technologies and tools such as IoT platforms, cloud computing, Embedded C/C++, and automotive-specific communication protocols like CAN and LIN were utilized in the process.

The development process required rigorous testing and validation to ensure the reliability and security of the system. These included both laboratory and field tests to verify and ensure the platform’s performance under real-world conditions.

The final product was a comprehensive platform for connected vehicles that enhanced connectivity and provided valuable services for both drivers and vehicle manufacturers. Sensified took responsibility for the execution of this project, ensuring the successful development of a high-performance and secure system through the use of modern technologies and thorough testing methods.

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